Below are some of my favorite heavy machine videos. If you have a video you would like to seen added, please let me know. Thank you.
Excavator climbs onto rail car
This operator is probably breaking a lot of safety regulations, but it sure is fun to watch. You can tell he has done this before.
Grain elevator vs one heavy machine
A short and sweet demolition of a grain elevator that ends up in flames.
Awesome railroad machine
I have no idea what this machine is or does on the railroad. Do you?
Cat 797 gets a new tire
An interesting look at truck maintenance of a Caterpillar 797 truck.
A front loader is determined to move a boulder
Not sure what this driver was trying to do here but he sure was giving the boulder everything he had.
Stuck in the mud
Two bulldozers are stuck nose deep in a ditch and call for some help. I guess the tow truck was out to lunch.
Textbook style
A pro heavy equipment operator loads an excavator onto lowboy hauler with style.
Digging on the edge
I can’t imagine working and knowing you were one slip away from rolling down a cliff.