The median heavy equipment operator salary in Washington, DC is $65,236. Of course, that salary varies greatly, depending on the industry, the company size, years of experience, and education. The 75th and 90th percentile of salary ranges are anywhere between $76K to $86K and up. As expected with close proximity to government locations, there are many opportunities for Union training and prevailing wage heavy equipment operator jobs in DC.
Heavy equipment unions
International Union of Operating Engineers
1125 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036
202 429-9100

The IUOE out of Washington DC aims to provide “professional, well-trained, safe, and motivated” employees in the heavy equipment operator field. This system is designed to give an individual who knows very little about an industry all the necessary skills needed to become a journey-level operating engineer.The operating engineer apprenticeship lasts between 3-4 years and involves a combination of required classroom education as well as working side-by-side with skilled, experienced operators.