If you’re interested in operating heavy machines to build roads, develop land, or mine the oil sands you will first need to receive a certification. You have the following three training options available: earning a certificate from a college or university, completing an apprenticeship with an International Union of Operating Engineers local branch, or earn training from a heavy equipment operator school.
Calgary heavy equipment operator training course
Certification from a college or university provides the student flexibility and a more well-rounded education. A 2-year degree will teach you about machine maintenance and GPS navigation along side other college courses. A college program is also likely the most expensive option and time intensive.
Heavy Equipment Operator Certificate
Olds College
4500 – 50th Street
Olds, Alberta T4H 1R6
(403) 556-8281
Heavy machine training by an Operators Union in Calgary

If you are not interested in learning things outside the core skills set of a heavy equipment operator, training at a local IUOE union would be a great option. They often have apprenticeship programs to allow you to learn on a real job site. You will also join a strong organization and network of operators to help you find work in the future.
IUOE Local 955
17603 114th Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5S2R9
(780) 483-0955
Calgary heavy equipment operator schools
A more targeted approach would be to receive training from a company that specializes in heavy equipment and safety training. Lets say you already have your certificate but want a few more hours on a particular machine. A training school would be perfect for this because you can receive training on multiple heavy machines or focus on just one machine.
Operators Training School
Suite 300 -160
Quarry Park Blvd.
SE Calgary Alberta T2C 3G3
(403) 984-0477